Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

The industrial internet of things (IIoT), also known as Industry 4.0 is the use of smart sensors and actuators to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes.  While IoT focuses on consumer usage, IIoT is used for industrial purpose.

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One of the top touted benefits the industrial internet of things affords businesses is predictive maintenance. IoT can greatly improve your operational efficiency while reducing overhead costs, many decision-makers have questions about the available technology, how to introduce it and how it can benefit their business.

Here are some of the most common IIoT questions:

      1. What’s a Smart Building?

      2. What Are Best Practices for Introducing Smart Buildings?

      3. Why Is Lighting a Key Part of IIoT?

      4. How Do I Use the Data Generated From IIoT Devices?

      5. Can My Business Afford to Implement an IIoT System?

To answer this questions click here.



What Is The “Internet of Things”? Part I

Smart Systems and the Internet of Things are driven by a combination of:

The interactions between theses entities are creating new types of smart applications and services.


We are giving our world a digital nervous system. Location data using GPS sensors. Eyes and ears using cameras and microphones, along with sensory organs that can measure everything from temperature to pressure changes.


These inputs are digitized and placed onto networks.  Read more 

How to Improve Cybersecurity in a Smart City

The smart city began as a science fiction dream, but it’s very quickly becoming a reality. Municipal infrastructure, integrated with smart technology, will transform the aesthetics, utility, and sustainability of urban landscapes from here on out. 

The scale and complexity of smart cities render them particularly susceptible to cyberattacks. The vast array of interconnected systems makes weak points and oversights almost inevitable, a problem that reliance on unsecured IoT devices and potentially vulnerable cloud networks only compounds. What’s really driving this problem, however, is the overconfident tech visionaries who are boosting smart cities.

 These strategies should be follow to prepare (and protect) any city for the future:

  • Begin Building a Smart Workforce
  • Start Forming Security Partnerships
  • Work Within the Rules

Read more.

Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Homekit: Your Guide to Smart Home Ecosystem Options

Devices can work together for a seamless smart home experience. In today’s IoT world, there are smart home devices for security and privacy, energy, cooking, entertainment, and pets.


Smart homes used to be the stuff of science fiction. Moviegoers watched as Tony Stark controlled his mansion with nothing more than his voice, and we’ve all wished we could have the type of technology that made Batman’s life so amazing. These days, you don’t have to be a billionaire business owner or an eccentric crime fighter to create the ultimate smart home. Tools like Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and the Apple Home Kit have put home automation within reach for nearly anyone.

Smart home technology uses artificial intelligence (AI) to talk to you, respond to commands, and answer questions. For instance, you can ask Alexa to “add bananas to the grocery list” or “tell me the score from last night’s game.” Smart hubs can also communicate with other internet devices, allowing you to control all your smart home gadgets simultaneously. They can turn down the thermostat, turn on the lights, scare away burglars, and even make coffee.

Home automation is not only cool, but it’s practical, sustainable and can even save you money by reducing your utility bill. When looking to automate your home, it’s important to consider the different types of smart home ecosystems, devices and how they will work together to create a seamless experience.

To know what are the best Smart Home Ecosystems, read more 

How will 5G impact IoT?

Year 2020 will be a key date for the deployment of the fifth generation of mobile networks, the 5G, whose capabilities promise to change the way we understand the Internet today. But 5G is much more than just fast downloads; its unique combination of high-speed connectivity, very low latency, and ubiquitous coverage will support smart vehicles and transport infrastructure such as connected cars, trucks, and buses.


All this will facilitate the implementation of the internet of things. By increasing the number of devices that can be managed in real time and remotely, as well as the response time of the network, the capabilities of multiple industrial applications will be revolutionized. In this way, 5G will have a key role to play- not just in the evolution of communication but in the evolution of businesses and society as a whole. Here is a look at a few industries where 5G and IoT together can benefit:

  • Self-driving cars.
  • Healthcare.
  • Logistics.
  • Smart cities.
  • Retail.

Read more about What 5G Means for The Future of Internet of Things.

3 Resources for the Smart Classroom

Using IoT to collect data and increase classroom interactivity can make learning more interesting for students and help teachers manage them. @iotforall

Voice Assistants like Alexa and Siri definitely have a place in the classroom. As the market for voice assistants continues to grow, more and more applications will be built for voice to supplement the classroom experience. Even in their current state, voice assistants can provide immense value to classrooms. Take a simple use case, such as a teacher setting a reminder to discuss higher-level lesson points the following week. Often times, teachers may not find the time or even remember to review difficult material, so using voice assistants to set reminders in real time can greatly enhance the classroom processes and therefore help students to learn more and continue to build their knowledge base. 

Connected whiteboards or smartboards are another great tool to make a classroom “smart.” Now, anything a teacher writes up on the board can be recorded.  Another resource for the smat classroom is the digital textbook. Besides the obvious value behind these textbooks—easier to carry from class to class, less space, more cost-effective and environmentally friendly—digital textbooks are also interactive and thus can connect to a smart classroom. 

Students can highlight information and collaborate on difficult sections in textbooks, an individual student’s textbook and notes can connect to a classroom’s smart board to be shared with the class. 

Read more about  3 Resources for the Smart Classroom